All Over the Place

The Equinox – Cleansing My Body & Soul

Geez, what a summer! Thank God Fall has arrived. It aint always a good thing to be “all over the place!” The timing of the Fall Equinox aligned nicely with my need to spiritually, mentally and physically cleanse.  My four day raw cleanse helped me prepare for the this new season of my life – Fall 2017.  I’m ready!

Why cleanse for the Equinox? I needed to retreat and reflect on all that had transpired over the summer, reprioritize, refocus, be still and cleanse my body and mind.  On so many levels, this is a new season for me. The first day of Fall, September 22nd – September 25th I refrained from engaging social media, ate only raw foods, no TV, no dance therapy, no retail therapy, no alcohol, prayed, meditated, did yoga, and a lot of self-care. There was serious self-pampering going on, I literally turned my condo into a spa with my essential oil diffusers, facials, and detox baths. I basically created my own Kenya Afam Equinox Cleanse, which focused on the following areas:

  • Nourishment: Raw food for 4 days
  • Skin: Dry brushing , facials and detox baths
  • Body: Yoga sun salutations every morning
  • Mind: Slept lots, read and journaled every day
  • Soul: Meditated, prayed and on Sunday watched Impact Church service online
  • Home: Had my condo professionally cleaned. Every day cleansed my space with frankincense & myrrh and sage.

Detox baths: Day 1 – baking soda, Epson salt, vinegar, Day 2 – Dr. Singha’s Mustard Bath, Day 3 – Charcoal, oatmeal, Himalayan salt, Day 4 – Coffee scrub

Facials: Day 1 – Avocado, Day 2 – Benzonite Clay, Day 3 – Avocado, Day 4 – Coffee Scurb

Food & Supplements (see pictures below):

  • Morning-Smoothie with greens and fruit high in vitamin C
  • Lunch-Salad
  • Dinner- Salad or Tomato Courgetti With Basil Pesto
  • 64 oz of water every day
  • Green tea in the morning
  • Aloe juice, probiotics, detox formula, vitamin C

The first night of my cleanse I attended Queen Yenn’s Equinox Gathering which set the tone for the rest of the weekend. She had attendees write thank you letters to God. My letter was three full pages!  Every morning of the cleanse I woke up and wrote a thank you letter to God. There were a few themes and revelations that came to me from reading, praying, meditating and being still for the four days, they were:

  1. Every situation, whether good or bad, serves to further my development. I have to know this, not just say it or think it.
  2. Be thankful.
  3. Show gratitude.
  4. The mind is powerful, my thoughts both positive and negative determine my reality. So, I need to focus on being more mindful and intentional with my thoughts.
  5. Be kind to myself.
  6. Being “still” is hard, especially when my mind is overloaded with negativity. The process of being “still” can be painful, but worth the end result.
  7. When God removes people or a person from your life, see it as a blessing, he will replace them with just what you need.  
  8. The sermon on Sunday was titled Making Sense of the Mess After the Miracle.  It was as if Pastor Olu Brown was speaking to me directly. He said, “we have the tendency to lose what we’ve been taught.  Sometimes life doesn’t make sense and we spend too much time tying to explain life instead of living it. Live Life.”

Eating raw foods for four days was the easy part, being self-reflective was hard. I spend a lot of time by myself, by nature I am a loner. But this weekend it was challenging being by myself and taking in all that was being revealed. I am still processing it all, but feel more balanced and self-aware about what my body and soul need.  When the winter solstice comes around I will go through this process again.  Want to join me?

Eating Raw Food for 4 Days Was the Fun Part!


Shout Out to Queen Yenn for the Fall Equinox Gathering on Sept. 22nd


Impact Church Sermon – Making Sense of the Mess After the Miracle

I could write a whole blog about how this sermon touched me in a special way.  Yes, I was watching in my bed and taking notes!!  Thank you Pastor Olu Brown!


Spent a Few Hours With New and Old Friends

4 thoughts on “The Equinox – Cleansing My Body & Soul”

  1. How wonderful, refreshing, & resetting it is to be simultaneously searching & wondering, destroyed & recreated, and then lost but found in the appointed “time & space” of His greatness, grace, mercy, love, and coverage. Through all the million dollar smiles, soulful heartbeats, painful love, destruction, explosion, implosion, release, reflection, reset, & restart, you STILL come out on the other side of a bitter Hell into that of sweet Heaven! Continue to be whom God created you to be…Black Queen! Peace & blessings my friend!


  2. I have heard that Cleansing is very healthy for the Body and Spritualy. After reading the post. I think I will look into it a little deeper.

    I even had one of my Doctor’s suggest a cleansing as I am all ways up and down with my weight. It’s not a diet but a life style change.

    Great Post.


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